Udall Center Fellows Talk by Prof. Elizabeth Tellman

Join us at the Udall Center or online for a presentation by Elizabeth Tellman, 2023-24 Udall Center Fellow and Assistant Professor in the School of Geography, Development and Environment in the UArizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, titled "Addressing flood injustice with satellite data in the borderlands and across the US."
Prof. Tellman will be presenting her work as a Udall Center Fellow, followed by a question-and-answer session with attendees. The Udall Center Fellows Program offers a semester off from normal teaching to allow for creative scholarship and pursuit of funds to further the Fellow’s research.
Floods disproportionately impact communities of color and of low socioeconomic status. Prof. Tellman’s project explores how satellite data of flood exposure can address injustice. She will show examples from the borderlands in Texas (Rio Grande Valley) with the FLUJOS (Flood Justice using Satellite Observations) project where she partners with lawyers from Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid and community-based organizations to co-produce flood history data. Organizations hope to use these data to hold accountable government actors who exclude exposed populations from recovery funds, improve housing, or challenge infrastructure investments that protect wealthier communities at the expense of increased flooding for others. Beyond the borderlands, Prof. Tellman will show plans to document where real estate developers’ infrastructure could be draining floodwaters to others and build a transdisciplinary network of scientists and practitioners to use data to catalyze flood justice across the US.
Lunch will be provided to in-person attendees beginning at 11:30 AM, but space is limited. Please register to attend in person by April 19. Note that the Zoom broadcast will begin between 11:45 AM-12:00 PM after in-person attendees have eaten.