About Us

About the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy

Founded in 1987, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy is a collective of researchers, educators and outreach professionals at the University of Arizona that explores how different levels of governance — from neighborhoods to nations — influence behavior through laws, regulations, agreements, investments and more.

Our work is a continuation of the Udall family’s public-policy legacy. We conduct research on policy related to water, land and environmental concerns through our Environmental Policy Program and work to strengthen the capacities of Indigenous Peoples for nation building and self-determination via the Native Nations Institute.

The Udall Center is funded by private and government grants and contracts, by the federal Udall Foundation and by the University of Arizona. We use that funding for research, education and service projects aimed at giving people who shape communities the knowledge they need to design and implement policies that protect the environment and improve people's quality of life.


Our Vision

A world in which governance at all levels — from small communities to the sovereign nations of Indigenous Peoples and other nation-states — is rooted in meaningful knowledge and analysis.


Our Mission

Inspired by the public service legacy of the Udall family, we engage in research, education and service to inform policy choices that promote justice, fairness, sustainability and well-being for Indigenous Peoples, all people and the environment now and for future generations.

Our Culture

As an organization dedicated to informed policymaking, we know the importance of clear guidelines, compelling incentives and shared goals. Together, we create a work culture that advances, not only our productivity, but also our individual and collective well-being.

o   We strive for clarity and transparency in our expectations, decision-making and communications.

o   We empower our people and support their advancement through training, professional development and mentoring.

o   We choose our projects with purpose and intention: we prioritize quality over quantity and are careful to focus our efforts on work that reflects Udall Center values.

o   We appropriately balance our time and energy between funding obligations and professional passions.

o   We see our colleagues, hear their voices, weigh their ideas, appreciate their efforts and celebrate their accomplishments.

o   We create space for growth with compassion and forgiveness. We recognize the value in failure and make room for mistakes.

o   We actively build our own community: opening doors, crossing bridges and drawing strength from our responsibilities to one other.