By Adriana Zuniga
03/09/18 07:01:pm
This meeting was organized by Laura Dent from Ward 1 and was held on May 2, 2017 at the Ward 1 offices (940 W Alameda). We held a prior conference call meeting with Laura where she indicated their goal of bring everyone together and see if there were ways to connect with neighborhood folks. She said that Regina Romero (City Council Woman) had ideas about engagement that she wanted to share with us.
During this meeting, we were introduced to TYLO representative Nelda Ruiz, and we thought this organization might be a good partner for our project. In a follow-up meeting, Andrea Gerlak met with Nelda Ruiz (TYLO) and Claudio Rodriguez (TYLO and Community Food bank) on May 22, 2017 at the Cartel Coffee on Broadway. They discussed a potential collaboration with TYLO and their role as our community liaison. We agreed to start community engagement along three strategic points along the boulevard – north end, middle area, and south end – which include Lapan College Club, STAR Academic High School, and Liberty Middle School respectively. These three organizations were selected because they have their own links to the surrounding community that we could use to engage neighbors in this area and because of the high potential for GI to enhance community resilience.