Morris K. Udall Centennial Celebration

March 30, 2022

Join us on April 28th at ENR2

Morris K. Udall Centennial Celebration with logos and a black and white photo of Mo Udall.

Join us at our first of two events commemorating the centennial birthday of Morris K. Udall and recognizing his long-lasting legacy with Indigenous policy and the inspiration he was for future public servants.

These hybrid in-person/virtual events are co-hosted by the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation with support from the University Libraries Special Collections Department

A man leaning down to shake hands with Indigenous children on the steps of the capitol building

Morris K. Udall's Legacy in the Southwest U.S.

Thursday, April 28, 2022  |  Tucson, AZ

Environment & Natural Resources 2 (ENR2) Building, a LEED platinum-certified building
The University of Arizona Campus
1064 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85719


Room S107, Haury Auditorium
1:00-4:00 PM  |  Program

Featuring three keynote talks and two panels:

  • Panel #1: Mo Udall’s Efforts on Behalf of Tribes and Indigenous Communities in Arizona and the West
  • Panel #2: Mo Udall’s Legacy of Inspiring Future Public Servants in Arizona and the Southwest
Canyon Courtyard
4:30-6:00 PM  |  Reception

Featuring a pop-up exhibit from the UArizona Library's Morris K. Udall Collection. Refreshments will be served; bar available.

Learn more about the pair of events


Molli Bryson