Udall Center consolidates hydrodiplomacy efforts

Nov. 17, 2020
Pictured L-R: Bob Varady, Andrea Gerlak, Molli Bryson and Chris Scott

Pictured L-R: Bob Varady, Andrea Gerlak, Molli Bryson and Chris Scott

Udall Center staff Bob Varady, Andrea Gerlak, Molli Bryson and Chris Scott focus on research, publishing, public speaking, and policy engagement on environmental and hydrodiplomacy themes. This includes such signature events as the Stewart Udall Centennial on November 19th. On October 16th, Chris Scott was quoted in a New York Times front-page story on the U.S.-Mexico water treaty. On October 28th, Chris Scott was a panelist in the inaugural webinar of Harvard University's Food Security in the Americas series, presenting "Food, energy and water security in the borderlands: Chihuahua as the linchpin of Mexico-U.S. hydrodiplomacy.” Additionally, Bob Varady and Andrea Gerlak, together with associates Margaret Wilder and Nicolas Pineda, are putting the final touches on a special issue of Environmental Science and Policy, which brings together 14 essays featuring hydrodiplomacy across the globe. Finally, led by Andrea Gerlak and Bob Varady, the Udall Center serves as an active member of and participant in the Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy.