Stephanie Russo Carroll (Ahtna-Native Village of Kluti-Kaah)

Stephanie Russo Carroll (Ahtna-Native Village of Kluti Kaah) is Assistant Research Professor, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy (UC); Associate Director and Manager – Tribal Health Program, the Native Nations Institute (NNI) in the UC; Assistant Professor in the Public Health Policy and Management Program at the Community, Environment and Policy Department, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (MEZCOPH); Assistant Professor, American Indian Studies Graduate Interdisciplinary Program; and Affiliate Faculty, College of Law at the University of Arizona (UA).
Stephanie's research explores the links between Indigenous governance, data, the environment, and community wellness. Her interdisciplinary research group, the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, develops research, policy, and practice innovations for Indigenous data sovereignty. Indigenous data sovereignty draws on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that reaffirms the rights of Indigenous nations to control data about their peoples, lands, and resources. The Collaboratory’s research, teaching, and engagement seek to transform institutional governance and ethics for Indigenous control of Indigenous data, particularly within open science, open data, and big data contexts. The Collaboratory primarily collaborates with Indigenous Peoples and nations in the US Southwest and the Arctic, as well an international network of Indigenous data sovereignty and governance experts. Collaboratory members also often partner with communities to which they belong, including Indigenous communities. Stephanie offers Indigenous women-led mentoring of undergraduate through junior faculty and research staff with the goal of producing policy-relevant research through skill and knowledge acquisition. The Collaboratory’s disciplinary breadth includes public health, law, business, geography, sociology, social work, public policy, and environmental and climate sciences.
Stephanie co-founded the US Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network and the International Indigenous Data Sovereignty Group at the Research Data Alliance, and is a founding member and current chair of the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA). Stephanie was also a founding member of the UAs American Indian and Indigenous Health Alliance Club at MEZCOPH and is a founding member and current president for the UA Native Faculty, working to support the recruitment and retention of Indigenous students and faculty at the UA. Stephanie is a founding board member for the Copper River Tribal College in Chitina, Alaska. Stephanie received her AB from Cornell University and MPH and DrPH from MEZCOPH.
Recent Indigenous Governance Database Resources by or featuring Stephanie>
Carroll, Stephanie Russo; Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear; Randall Akee; Annita Lucchesi; and Jennifer Rai Richards.Indigenous Data in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Straddling Erasure, Terrorism, and Sovereignty. June 11, 2020: Social Sciences Research Council.
Rodriguez-Lonebear, Desi PhD; Barceló, Nicolás E. MD; Akee, Randall PhD; Carroll, Stephanie Russo Carroll, DrPH, MPH. American Indian Reservations and COVID-19, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: July/August 2020 - Volume 26 - Issue 4 - p 371-377 doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001206
Stephanie Russo Carroll and Andrew Martinez. 2019. Policy Brief: Indigenous Data Sovereignty in Arizona. Tucson: Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona and Inter Tribal Council of Arizona
Carroll, S.R., Rodriguez-Lonebear, D. and Martinez, A., 2019. Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations. Data Science Journal, 18(1), p.31. DOI:
Garrison, N. A., Hudson, M., Ballantyne, L. L., Garba, I., Martinez, A., Taualii, M., . . . Rainie, S. C. (2019). Genomic Research Through an Indigenous Lens: Understanding the Expectations. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 20(1). doi:10.1146/annurev-genom-083118-015434
Lovett, Ray, Vanessa Lee, Tahu Kukutai, Stephanie Carroll Rainie, Jennifer Walker. “Good Data Practices for Indigenous Data Sovereignty,” in Angela Daly, Kate Devitt, & Monique Mann (Eds.), Good Data, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures Inc. ISBN 978-94-92302-27-4.
Rainie, S.C., Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, and Andrew Martinez. 2017. Policy Brief: Data Governance for Native Nation Rebuilding. (Version 2). Tucson: Native Nations Institute.
Rainie, S.C., Schultz, J. L., Briggs, E., Riggs, P., Palmanteer-Holder, N. L. 2017. Data as a Strategic Resource: Self-determination, Governance, and the Data Challenge for Indigenous Nations in the United States. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 8(2), 1-29. Retrieved from:
Schultz, J.L., and S.C. Rainie. 2014. The Strategic Power of Data: A Key Aspect of Sovereignty. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 5(4).
Schultz, J.L., and S.C. Rainie. 2014. Good Data Leads to Good Sovereignty. Indian Country Today. (June 3).
Arsenault, J., and S.C. Rainie. 2009. Tribal management key to improved health services<. Indian Country Today (July 18).
Arsenault, J., S. Cornell, and S.C. Rainie. 2008. Improving Health Care Access in Native American Communities: What Can Tribes Do? Executive summary of a report to the Nathan Cummings Foundation. Tucson: Native Nations Institute.
Rainie, S.C., J. Timeche, K. Dickman, and R. Merideth, eds. 2003. Native Nations, the Environment, and the State of California: Tribal-State Relationships and Environmental Quality. Workshop proceedings. Tucson: Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy.
Rainie, S.C., ed. 2003. Building Native Nations: Environment, Natural Resources, and Governance. Conference proceedings. Tucson: Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy and Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation.
Merideth, R., and S.C. Rainie, eds. 2002. Native American Health and Welfare Policy in and Age of New Federalism. Conference proceedings. Tucson: Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy.
- Dr.P.H.
- M.P.H.