Environmental Policy Publications

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landscape and urban planning cover photo
The use of greenspace has been linked to multiple wellbeing benefits, however there are many factors that influence whether or not residents visit greenspace. In this study, we explore the factors that influence the frequency of greenspace visitation, with a focus on perceptions of walkability, travel mode, and proximity to greenspace.
urban water journal cover
Urban resilience emerges not only from ‘what’ is done in relation to critical infrastructure systems, but in the ‘how’ of their conception, co-creation and integration into complex socio-ecological-technical systems. For green infrastructure, where ownership and agency may be distributed amongst organisations and diverse communities, inclusiveness and appropriateness require embedding in engineering assessments of green infrastructure and resilience.
sustainability cover
A.A. Zuniga-Teran and A.K. Gerlak. Greenspace can alleviate many of the negative effects of urbanization and help enhance human well-being yet, in most cities in the world, greenspace is inequitably distributed. In western societies, wealthy white neighborhoods typically have more access to greenspace, constituting an environmental and social justice issue. Although scholars from multiple disciplines and academic domains study questions of justice in greenspace, the scholarship remains fragmented.
putting water to work cover
IWRA's new Water International Policy Brief titled "Putting Water Security to Work," written by Udall Center director Chris Scott and UWE professor Chad Staddon. The special issue addresses sustainability, metrics, community participation, equity and more.



water-energy-food (WEF) graphic
T. Albrecht, A.B. Crootof, and C.A. Scott. The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is rapidly expanding in scholarly literature and policy settings as a novel way to address complex resource and development challenges. The nexus approach aims to identify tradeoffs and synergies of water, energy, and food systems, internalize social and environmental impacts, and guide development of cross-sectoral policies.


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Transboundary waters are characterized by diverse and complex socio-politico-economic obstacles to effective water management. We examine five distinct cases in the arid Americas – in locations from the US–Mexico border to the Andes mountains – employing water security as a conceptual prism to unravel the multiple and varied attributes of transboundary water challenges.
Social-Ecological Systems (SES) cover image
The Social-Ecological Systems (SES) framework serves as a valuable framework to explore and understand social and ecological interactions, and pathways in water governance. Yet, it lacks a robust understanding of change. We argue an analytical and methodological approach to engaging global changes in SES is critical to strengthening the scope and relevance of the SES framework. Relying on SES and resilience thinking, we propose an institutional and cognitive model of change that institutions and natural resources systems co-evolve to provide a dynamic understanding of SES that stands on three causal mechanisms: institutional complexity trap, rigidity trap, and learning processes.




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From Tucson to Uruguay and Back: Securities and Inequalities in Water Infrastructure. By Andrea K. Gerlak. Presented at the Earth System Governance Conference, Lund Sweden, October 2017.
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The authors quantify the spatial subsidies—a measure of the mismatch between where people receive economic benefits from a migratory species and where the migratory species receives ecological benefits from ecosystems—generated by the annual monarch migration across eastern North America.


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Scott, C.A., A. Lutz Ley. 2016 in press. Enhancing water governance for climate resilience: Arizona, USA - Sonora, Mexico comparative assessment of the role of reservoirs in adaptive management for water security. In C. Tortajada (ed.) Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Change: The Role of Infrastructure and Governance in the Context of Adaptation, Springer, Berlin.
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The crucial role of groundwater and the centrality of water governance in accommodating growing water demands sustainably are becoming well recognized. We review 10 case studies of groundwater governance—representing diverse global regions and local contexts—from the perspective of four well-established elements: (1) institutional setting; (2) availability and access to information and science; (3) robustness of civil society; and (4) economic and regulatory frameworks.


governing the nexus comer image
Enter the 'nexus' of multiple resources, linked in turn to management and policy frameworks, and embedded in broader political processes. The nexus conceptually links multiple resource-use practices and serves paradigmatically to understand interrelations among such practices that were previously considered in isolation. Here we will demonstrate that resource recovery is at the core of operationalizing the nexus. This is fundamentally different from efficiency and productivity, although nexus practices can be seen in terms of deriving increased output from limited resources.
biodiversity and conservation cover
Conservation planning can be challenging due to the need to balance biological concerns about population viability with social concerns about the benefits biodiversity provide to society, often while operating under a limited budget. Here, we use a multi-attribute utility function to assess the optimal maternity roosts to conserve for maintaining the population viability and the ecosystem services of a single species, the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana).


market forces paper photo
Critics of the market-based, ecosystem services approach to biodiversity conservation worry that volatile market conditions and technological substitutes will diminish the value of ecosystem services and obviate the “economic benefits” arguments for conservation. To explore the effects of market forces and substitutes on service values, we assessed how the value of the pest-control services provided by Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) to cotton production in the southwestern U.S. has changed over time.
public water governance cover photo
The privatization of water supply and wastewater systems, together with institutional restructuring of governance – through decentralization and the penetration of global firms in local and regional markets – have been promoted as solutions to increase economic efficiency and achieve universal water supply and sanitation coverage. Yet a significant share of service provision and water resources development remains the responsibility of public authorities. The chapters in this book – with case evidence from Argentina, Chile, France, the USA, and other countries – address critical questions that dominate the international agenda on public versus private utilities, service provision, regulations, and resource development.


economic change cover photo
Assesses whether the Antarctic Treaty System, an international governance process for the Antarctic global commons, is a possible model of governance for Arctic natural resources.
eco system services approach photo
Based on a survey of U.S. Forest Service staff, evaluates the potential of using an ecosystem services approach as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental impact assessment process.


cover of barter paper
The Udall Center has named Caylin J. Goldey Barter, a recent graduate of the UA James E. Rogers College of Law, as the recipient of the 2013 Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy.
Barter's award-winning essay, "Defining the Necessary Role and Appropriate Level of Risk in Helicopter-Accessed Wilderness Skiing," was chosen by faculty reviewers as the best submission in this year's competition.

Fisher Prize, established through an initial endowment by former Pima County Superior Court Judge Lillian S. Fisher, is awarded annually by the Udall Center to a student in the UA law college or to a UA graduate student for an essay addressing an environmental law or public policy topic. The competition is judged each year by faculty in the law college. 

Since 1997, the Udall Center has awarded the Fisher Prize to 25 UA students. The Center publishes selected prize-winning papers in its monograph series.   

moving foward cover
Includes detailed case studies of the water-climate "vulnerability and adaptation" situation for four communities: Tucson, Ariz.; the twinned border cities of Nogales, Ariz., and Nogales, Son.; Hermosillo, Son.; and Puerto Peñasco, Son.
herber 2012 cover
Discusses the unique role of Antarctica (as part of the global commons) in the global warming scenario, the strategic role of Antarctic science and information related to global warming policy, and related institutional arrangements and policy challenges.


greenprint cover
Report of the Strategy Forum on Transboundary Environments and Adaptation to Climate Change convened at WILD9 (9th World Wilderness Conference), Mérida, Mexico, supported by the U.S. Forest Service Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute.
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Native Nations and U.S. Borders: Challenges to Indigenous Culture, Citizenship, and Security
Starks, Rachel Rose, Jen McCormack, Stephen Cornell. 2011. Native Nations and U.S. Borders: Challenges to Indigenous Culture, Citizenship, and Security. Tucson, AZ: Udall Center Publications.

ewpw number 1 cover
Evaluates various state and federal regulations of electronic waste (e-waste), and presents two case studies (in Tucson, Ariz. and along the U.S.-Mexico border).

Transboundary Ecosystem Services - A New Vision for Managing the Shared Environment of the U.S. and Mexico
Suggests a novel approach to the management of the U.S.-Mexico transboundary environment, framing the conservation of the natural resources shared by the two countries in terms of shared ecosystem services and presenting three cases as examples.

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Jorgensen, and Peter Morris. 2010. Tribal experience with children's accounts.Children and Youth Services Review 32(11): 1528-37.


citron cover
Citron, A. 2008. Incorporating Flexibility into Conservation Easements. Winner of the 2007 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Policy. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 53pp.
environ science policy

Science and socio-ecological sustainability: Examples from the Arizona-Sonora border
Morehouse, B., D. Ferguson, G. Owen, A. Browning-Aiken, P. Wong-Gonzales, N. Pineda, M. Wilder, and R.G. Varady. 2008. Science and socio-ecological sustainability: Examples from the Arizona-Sonora border. Environmental Science and Policy, 11(3):272-84.

intern journ water resources dev cover
Scott, C.A., and J.M. Banister. 2008. The dilemma of water management regionalization in Mexico under centralized resource allocation. International Journal of Water Resources Development 24(1):61-74.


physics and chemistry cover
Varady, R.G., K. Meehan, and E. McGovern. 2008. Charting the emergence of ‘Global Water Initiatives’ in world water governance. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,15pp.
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Varady, R.G., K. Meehan, J. Rodda, M. Iles-Shih, and E. McGovern. 2008. Strengthening Global Water Initiatives to sustain world water governance. Environment, 50(2):18-31.


internal journal cover
Biggs, T.W., C.A. Scott, B. Rajagopalanc, and H.N. Turrald. 2007. Trends in solar radiation due to clouds and aerosols, southern India, 1952–1997. International Journal of Climatology, 27(11):1505–18.
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Climate, Water Management, and Policy in the San Pedro Basin: Results of a Survey of Mexican Stakeholders near the U.S.-Mexico Border
Browning-Aiken, A., B. Morehouse, A. Davis, M. Wilder, R. Varady, D. Goodrich, R. Carter, D. Moreno, and E. Dellinger McGovern. 2007. Climate, water management, and policy in the San Pedro Basin: Results of a survey of Mexican stakeholders near the U.S.-Mexico border. Climatic Change 85(3-4):323-41.

antartic cover
Herber, B.P. 2007. Protecting the Antarctic Commons: Problems of Economic Efficiency. Udall Center Fellows Monographs. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 73pp.


frontera cover
Pineda Pablos, N., A. Browning-Aiken, and M. Wilder. 2007. Equilibrio de bajo nivel y manejo urbano del agua en Cananea, Sonora / Low-level equilibrium and urban water management in Cananea, Sonora by Frontera Norte, 19(37):143-72 (Spanish, w/ English abstract).
bam cover
Ray, A.J., G.M. Garfin, L. Brito-Castillo, M. Cortez-Vázquez, H.F. Diaz, J. Garatuza-Payán, D. Gochis, R. Lobato-Sánchez, R.G. Varady, C. Watts. 2007. Monsoon region climate applications: Integrating climate science with regional planning and policy. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88(6):933-5.


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Rosenberg, N.J., V.M. Mehta, J.R. Olsen, H. von Storch, R.G. Varady, M.J. Hayes, and D. Wilhite. 2007. Societal adaptation to decadal climate variability in the United States. CRCES Workshop on Adaptation to Decadal Climate Variability in the United States, 26-28 Apr. 2007, Waikoloa, Hawaii. Eos 88, 43: 444.
paddy water cover
Scott, C.A., F. Flores-López, and J.R. Gastélum. 2007. Appropriation of Río San Juan by Monterrey City, Mexico: Implications for agriculture and basin water sharing. Paddy and Water Environment 5(4):253-62.
southwest cover
Scott, C.A., R.G. Varady, A. Browning-Aiken, and T. W. Sprouse. 2007. Water and energy resources in the Arizona-Sonora border region. Southwest Hydrology 6(5):26-27, 31.


shah cover
Shah, T., C.A. Scott, J. Berkoff, A. Kishore, A. Sharma. 2007. Energy-irrigation nexus in South Asia: Pricing versus rationing as practical tool for efficient resource allocation. In F. Molle and J. Berkoff (eds.) Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and Practice. CAB International, Wallingford, pp. 208-232.

remote sensing cover
Biggs, T.W., P.S. Thenkabail, M.K. Gumma, C.A. Scott, G.R. Parthasaradhi, and H.N. Turral. 2006. Irrigated area mapping in heterogeneous landscapes with MODIS time series, ground truth and census data, Krishna Basin, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing 27(19):4245-66.
integrating science cover
Browning-Aiken, A., R. G. Varady, D. Goodrich, H. Richter, T. Sprouse, and W. J. Shuttleworth. 2006. Integrating science and policy for water management: a case study of the Upper San Pedro River Basin. In Hydrology and Water Law — Bridging the Gap: A Case Study of HELP Basins, ed. by J. S. Wallace and P. Wouters. IWA Publishing, pp. 24-59.
protecting the fish cover
Lester, L. 2006. Protecting the Fish and Eating Them, Too: Impacts of the Endangered Species Act on Tribal Water Use. Winner of the 2005 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 46pp.


WPR cover
McGovern, E.D., R.G. Varady, and A. Browning-Aiken. 2006. Water Policy Research on the San Pedro River Basin: An Annotated Bibliography of Contributions by the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, 1997-2006. Udall Center, 13 pp.
drought map
Shipek, L., M. Wilder, J. Kentnor, G. Owen, A. Browning-Aiken, and D. Fisher de Leon. 2006. Drought Beyond Borders: Bilingual Lesson Plans for the Binational Santa Cruz Watershed. Center for Latin American Studies and Udall Center, 27pp.


drought map
Shipek, L., M. Wilder, J. Kentnor, G. Owen, A. Browning-Aiken, and D. Fisher de Leon. 2006. Climate Change Beyond Borders: Bilingual Lesson Plans for the Binational Santa Cruz Watershed. Center for Latin American Studies and Udall Center, 26pp.
2006 meehan cover
Varady, R.G., and K. Meehan. 2006. A flood of institutions? Sustaining global water initiatives. Water Resources Impact 8(6): 19-22.

birth watershed cover
Varady, R.G., and A. Browning-Aiken. 2005. The birth of a Mexican watershed council in the San Pedro basin in Sonora. In Planeación y Cooperación Transfronteriza en la Frontera México-Estados Unidos (Transboundary Planning and Cooperation in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region), ed. by C. Fuentes-Flores and S. Peña-Medina. Ciudad Juárez , Mexico: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte & Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ambiente y Desarrollo. pp. 165-83.

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Browning-Aiken, A., H. Richter, D. Goodrich, B. Strain, and R.G. Varady. 2004. Upper San Pedro Basin: fostering collaborative binational watershed management. International Journal of Water Resources Development 20(3):353-67. [pdf]
fronteras cover
Liverman, D., R.G. Varady, O. Chávez, R. Sánchez, A. Browning-Aiken, and L. Stauber. 2004. Asuntos ambientales en la frontera México-Estados Unidos: Temas y acciones. In Fronteras en América del Norte: Estudios multidisciplinarios, ed. by A. Mercado Celis and E. Gutiérrez Romero. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones Sobre América del Norte. pp. 279-293.
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Scott, C.A. and T. Shah. 2004. Groundwater overdraft reduction through agricultural energy policy: insights from India and Mexico. International Journal of Water Resources Development 20(2): 149-164.


wasterwater cover
Scott, C.A., N.I. Faruqui, L. Rachid-Sally (eds.) 2004. Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities. CAB International, Wallingford, 193 p. 
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Varady, R.G., and B.J. Morehouse. 2004. Cuanto cuesta? Development and water in Ambos Nogales and the Upper San Pedro Basin. In The Social Costs of Industrial Growth in Northern Mexico, ed. by K. Kopinak. La Jolla, CA: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, UCSD. pp. 205-48.


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Brott, E., and A. Browning-Aiken. 2003. Elusive Identity: Lessons from an NGO on Mexico’s Northern Border. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 27pp.
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Browning-Aiken, A., R.G. Varady, and D. Moreno. 2003. Water-resources management in the San Pedro Basin: Building binational alliances. Journal of the Southwest 45, 4: 611-627.
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​Coker, Mich. 2003. Saving the Sierra: Alternative Mechanisms for Conserving Northern Mexico’s Last Wild Places. Winner of the 2002 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 20pp.


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​Varady, R.G., and B. J. Morehouse. 2003. Moving borders from the periphery to the center: river basins, political boundaries, and water management policy. In Water: Science, Policy, and Management, ed. by R. Lawford, D. Fort, H. Hartmann, and S. Eden. American Geophysical Union Water Resources Monograph 16. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. pp. 143-59.
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​Verduzco, B. 2003. Beyond Transboundary Environmental Cooperation: Civil Society and Policy Outcomes on the U.S.- Mexico Border during the 1990s. Winner of the 1999 Ford Foundation/Udall Center Fellowship in Environmental Conflict Resolution on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, Tucson, AZ. 29pp.


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​Brown, C. 2002. Binational Watershed Councils as Instruments for Conflict Resolution in the Upper Santa Cruz Watershed. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 25pp.
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​Lemos, M.C., D. Austin, R. Merideth, and R. G. Varady. 2002. Public-private partnerships as catalysts for community-based water infrastructure development: The Border WaterWorks Program in Texas and New Mexico colonias, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 20(2):281-95.
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​Moreno, D. 2002. San Pedro River Basin Directory: A Guide to Agencies and Organizations. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 30pp


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​Liverman, D.M., and R. Merideth. 2002. Climate and society in the U.S. Southwest: The context for a regional assessment, Climate Research 21:199-218.

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​Brodgen, M. 2001. Purchase of Development Rights: Conserving Lands, Preserving Western Livelihoods. Prepared for the Western Governor’s Association, Trust for Public Land, and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 24pp.
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​Brogden, M., ed. 2001. State Conservation Agreements: Creating Effective Partnerships for Proactive Conservation. Prepared for the International Association of fish and Wildlife Agencies. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 37pp.
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​Conley, A., and Ann Moote. 2001. Collaborative Conservation in Theory and Practice: A Literature Review. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 33pp. ISBN 1-191143-13-7
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​Culp, P. 2001. Feasibility of Purchase and Transfer of Water for Instream Flow in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Winner of the 2000 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 45pp.
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​Merideth, R. 2001. A Primer on Climatic Variability and Change in the Southwest. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 28pp.
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​Moote, A., and Maria Gutierrez. 2001. Views from the Upper San Pedro River Basin: Local Perceptions of Water Issues. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 57pp.
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​Moote, A., Maria Gutierrez, and Allison Howarth. 2001. Sustainability of Water Resources in the Upper San Pedro River Basin: Results of a Survey of Mexican Residents. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 124pp.
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Varady, R.G., K.B. Hankins, A. Kaus, E. Young, and R. Merideth. 2001. ...to the Sea of Cortes: nature, water, culture, and livelihood in the Lower Colorado River basin and delta--an overview of issues, policies, and approaches to environmental restoration, Journal of Arid Environments 49(9):195-209.
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​Varady, R.G., P. Romero-Lankao, and K.B. Hankins. 2001. Managing hazardous materials along the U.S.-Mexico border, Environment 43(10):22-36.

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​Merideth, R., A. Hipple, and S. Gavney-Moore. 2000. Directory of U.S.-Mexico Border Research and Outreach at The University of Arizona. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 44pp.
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​Merideth, R., and R. Yaseen. 2000. Using role-play simulations to teach environmental decision making and conflict resolution techniques, Environmental Practice 2(2):139-45.
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​Varady, R.G., R.G. Arnold, D.E. Carter, Guzmán, Peña, and W. Suk. 2000. Hazardous waste and the U.S.-Mexico border region: Toward a binational university-based institutional landscape, Environmental Practice 2(1):38-45.
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​Varady, R.G., A. Moote, and R. Merideth. 2000. Water management options for the Upper San Pedro River basin: Assessing the social and institutional landscape, Natural Resources Journal 40(2):223-35.

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​Carter, R.H. 1999. The Circle of Poison Remains Unbroken: Pesticide Poisoning in Northern Sonora, Mexico, during the Era of Free Trade. Winner of the 1999 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 19pp.
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​Emerson, E., H. Movius, and R. Merideth. 1999 (2d rev. ed.). Trouble in Tortuga! A Role Playing Simulation Game for Teaching Environmental Conflict Resolution Techniques. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 24p.
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​Lite, J. 1999. Protecting America’s Wilderness Heritage: Reclaiming Our Wild Lands from Sacrifice to Off-road Vehicle Use: A Utah Case Study. Winner of the 1999 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 31pp.
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​Liverman, D.M., R.G. Varady, O. Chavez, and R. Sanchez. 1999. Environmental issues along the U.S.-Mexico border: Drivers of change and responses of citizens and institutions, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 24:607-43.
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​Milich, L., and R.G. Varady. 1999. Openness, sustainability, and public participation: New designs for transboundary river basin institutions, Journal of Environment and Development 8(3):258-306.
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​Yarde, R., R. Merideth, and Susan Moodie. 1999. Conflict on the Culebra! A Role Playing Simulation Game for Teaching Environmental Conflict Resolution Techniques. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 24p.
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​Emerson, K., and others, eds. 1998. Digest of the Public Forum on Issues Related to the Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. A Report to U.S. Congressman Jim Kolbe. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 87pp.
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​Emerson, K., A. Moote, and others, eds. 1998. Digest of the Public-input Process for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s Expert Panel Report on the Upper San Pedro River. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 29pp.
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​Milich, L., and R.G. Varady. 1998. Managing transboundary resources: Lessons from river-basin accords, Environment 40(8):10-15, 35-41.
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​Merideth, R., D. Liverman, R. Bales, and M. Patterson, eds. 1998. Climate Variability and Change in the Southwest: Impacts, Information Needs, and Issues for Policymaking. Conference Proceedings (September 3-5, 1997, Tucson, AZ). Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 88pp.
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​Emerson, K., R. Yarde, and Tanya Heikkila. 1997. Environmental Conflict Resolution in the West Conference Proceedings (April 4-5, 1997, Tucson, AZ). Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 242pp.
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​Varady, R.G., D. Colnic, R. Merideth, and T. Sprouse. 1997. The U.S.-Mexican Border Environment Cooperation Commission: Collected perspectives on the first two years, Journal of Borderland Studies11(2):89-113.
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​Carter, D., C. Peña, R.G. Varady, and W.A. Suk. 1996. Environmental health and hazardous waste issues related to the U.S.-Mexico border, Environmental Health Perspectives 104(6):590-4.
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​Varady, R.G., H. Ingram, and L. Milich. 1995. The Sonoran Primeria Alta: Shared environmental problems and challenges, Journal of the Southwest 37(1):102-22.
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​Varady, R.G., and M.D. Mack. 1995. Transboundary water resources and public health in the U.S.-Mexico border region, Journal of Environmental Health 57(8):8-14.
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​Ingram, H., L. Milich, and R.G. Varady. 1994. Managing transboundary resources: Lessons from Ambos Nogales, Environment 36(4):6-9, 28-38.
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​Burkhart, F.N., C.F. Hutchinson, and M. Saint-Germain, eds. 1990. Global Climate Change: The Meeting of Science and PolicyConference Proceedings (May 20, 1989, Tucson, AZ). Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy: Tucson, AZ. 34pp.