Revitalization of American Indian Food Systems: Enhancing Indigenous Climate-Smart Seed Biodiversity, Native Food Ways Preservation, and Indigenous Data Governance Repository Hub

The Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance seeks an undergraduate student to aid in the creation of a repository. This repository will provide documentation, resources, and references to inform 1) Indigenous Peoples as they collect, store, and govern their data and 2) the relationships Indigenous communities have with outside institutions or organizations holding Indigenous data. The student will learn Indigenous Data Governance principles and how they apply to the policies and practices for the hub. The student will work with Graduate Research Associate Jewel Cummins under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Russo Carroll to compile resources, track consent documentation from Indigenous communities and institutions, and create the process documents. The student will also be a part of the academic publications discussing the creation of the repository.
Skills Needed: 1) Comfortable speaking with institutions and professionals in multiple disciplines; 2) Organizational skills; 3) Ability to work independently with weekly or bi-weekly check-ins; 4) Knowledge with or willingness to learn how to work with Indigenous institutions and communities. | Skills Gained: Learn: 1) How to build relationships with Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations and communities; 2) How to create a platform and resources on Indigenous Data Governance principles; 3) the dynamics of working on a grant project with interconnected parts; and 4) building a foundation in Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance principles with how it interconnects across disciplines. |