Science Diplomacy and Hydrodiplomacy

Tiered farmland flooded with water in the Himalayan Mountains.

We bridge disciplines and borders to help create a sustainable and less conflictive global future.

Environmental diplomacy addresses issues and actions related to environmental security and global sustainability, and involves a spectrum of actors. The environment is borderless and the issues must be addressed at a multilateral level.

We collaborate with institutions spanning the globe, researching present conditions, current policies, and contributors in various areas of environmental instability. We have participated in interdisciplinary networks across the University of Arizona such as the Science, Health and Engineering Policy and Diplomacy Initiative (SPDI), the Arizona Institute for Resilient Environments and Societies (AIRES), and the Consortium for Arizona-Mexico Arid Environments (CAZMEX); as well external partnerships and networks, such as the the International Water Security Network (IWSN), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD), and others.

The Udall Center joined the UPWCD as a member on behalf of the University of Arizona in 2021.  The Partnership serves as a platform led by knowledge partners in the field of water cooperation and diplomacy. It is a one-stop-shop where such actors can share and access information about relevant activities, co-develop research and education tools and jointly support professional training in this field.

Featured Examples

Cover of Sustainable Development for the Americas Book
Conference proceedings, co-edited by Udall Center author M. D. Bryson, Sustainable Development for the Americas: Science, Health, and Engineering Policy and Diplomacy. With contributions by A. K. Gerlak, R. G. Varady, and A. A. Zuniga. CRC Press (2022).
Journal cover
Special issue of journal, Environmental Science and Policy, “New Directions in Hydrodiplomacy to Meet Global Water Challenges: Learning from the Past, Shaping the Future, edited by Udall Center faculty R.G. Varady and A. K. Gerlak (et al.) (2021).
Logo for Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
Master Class on Water Cooperation and Diplomacy, presented by R.G. Varady and A. K. Gerlak (et al.), “Water  diplomacy on the U.S.-Mexico border: Use of archives, surveys, and alternative sources.” International Water Resources Association and University Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (2021).
Jornal cover
Journal article, “Hydrosolidarity and beyond:  Can ethics and equity find a place in today’s water resource management?” (Honorable mention, best paper award), by A. K. Gerlak and R. G. Varady (et al.) in Water International (2011).
Book cover
Chapter, “Hydrosolidarity and its place in international water diplomacy,” by Udall Center authors R. G. Varady, A. K. Gerlak, and E. D. McGovern, in book, Hydro Diplomacy: Sharing Water Across Borders (pp.23-31), ed. by G. Pangare. IUCN (2014).


Projects relating to ​Science Diplomacy or Hydrodiplomacy