development people page

text 1 for rae testing

Senior Administrators


Miriam Jorgensen

Research Scientist
Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center
Affiliate Faculty, James E. Rogers College of Law
Affiliate Faculty, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in American Indian Studies
she, her, hers

Ladd Keith

Associate Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center
Associate Professor in the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning
he, him, his

Laura López-Hoffman

Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center
Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Affiliated Faculty, James E. Rogers College of Law
she, her, hers

Robert G. Varady

Research Professor Emeritus of Environmental Policy, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center
Affiliated/Joint Faculty Research Professor of Arid Lands Studies in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Adjunct Professor of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
he, him, his

Support Staff

RII Support Staff