Image Andrea K. Gerlak Director, Udall Center Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center Professor, School of Geography, Development and Environment 520-626-4393 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Joan Timeche (Hopi) Executive Director, Native Nations Institiute 520-626-6501 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Craig Baker Communications and Marketing Lead, Udall Center Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Juan Bautista Administrative Assistant, Udall Center 520-626-4393 Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Torivio A. Fodder (Taos Pueblo) Manager, Indigenous Governance Program, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center 520-621-3093 Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Kevin Fortuin NNI Outreach Specialist, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center
Image Kyra James (Navajo Nation/Diné) Research Specialist, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Amy Jorgensen Senior Graphic Designer, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center 520-626-9686 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Andrew Martinez (O’odham, Diegueño, and Yoeme) Research Coordinator, Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Carolina Pineda (San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians) Program Coordinator, Environmental Policy Program Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Sara Rodriguez (Pascua Yaqui) Program Coordinator, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Rae Soobratty Information Technology and Infrastructure Manager, Udall Center 520-626-4393 Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Bridget Wade Radcliff Administrative Manager, Udall Center 520-626-4393 Pronouns: she/her/hers
Image Brian Pierson Budget and Finance Administrator, Research, Innovation and Impact, University of Arizona 520-621-5006
Image Adrienne Brown Community Engagement Postdoctoral Researcher, Udall Center Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Stephanie Russo Carroll (Ahtna-Native Village of Kluti-Kaah) Associate Research Professor, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Associate Director and Manager, Tribal Health Program Assistant Professor, Public Health and American Indian Studies Graduate Program, College of Public Health Affiliate Faculty, College of Law 520-626-0664 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Stephen Cornell Director Emeritus, Udall Center Faculty Chair, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Professor Emeritus, School of Sociology 520-626-4393 Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Ibrahim Garba (Karai-Karai) Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Assistant Research Professor, College of Public Health Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Gina Gilson Research Scientist, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center 520-626-4393 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Miriam Jorgensen Research Scientist Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Affiliate Faculty, James E. Rogers College of Law Affiliate Faculty, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in American Indian Studies 520-626-0664 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Ladd Keith Associate Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center Associate Professor in the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Laura López-Hoffman Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment Affiliated Faculty, James E. Rogers College of Law Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Marisella Molina (Pascua Yaqui) Content Developer, IndigeLab Network, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center
Image Gemma Smith Assistant Research Professor, Udall Center Assistant Professor, School of Government and Public Policy 520-626-4393 Pronouns: she, her, hers
Image Riley Taitingfong (CHamoru) Postdoctoral Researcher, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center
Image Robert G. Varady Research Professor Emeritus of Environmental Policy, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center Affiliated/Joint Faculty Research Professor of Arid Lands Studies in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment Adjunct Professor of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences 520-626-5820 Pronouns: he, him, his
Image Adriana Zuniga-Teran Assistant Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development and Environment 520-626-0693 Pronouns: she, her, hers, ella
Image Laura Bakkensen Associate Professor - School of Government and Public Policy 520-621-1825
Image Elizabeth Baldwin Associate Professor - School of Government and Public Policy 520-626-7911
Image Carl Bauer Professor & Director, School of Geography, Development & Environment 520-621-1917
Image Kirk Emerson Emeritus Professor of Practice, School of Government and Public Policy
Image Gregg Garfin Extension Specialist and Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment 520-626-4372
Image Maria Carmen Lemos Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS), University of Michigan
Image Aaron Lien Assistant Professor of Rangeland Ecology and Adaptive Management, School of Natural Resources and the Environment 520-626-2873
Image Sharon Megdal Director of The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) 520-621-9591
Image David A. Pietz Regents Professor of History and UNESCO Chair in Environmental History
Image Robert A. Williams, Jr. Regents’ Professor, E. Thomas Sullivan Professor of Law 520-621-5622
Image Reconnect Data to Communities MENTOR: IBRAHIM GARBA, M.A., J.D., S.J.D. (KARAI-KARAI) Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute Assistant Research Professor, College of Public Health
Image International Comparisons of First Nations’ Citizenship and Membership Criteria MENTOR: MIRIAM JORGENSEN, M.P.P., PH.D. Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute Research Scientist, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy Affiliate Faculty, College of Law Affiliate Faculty, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in American Indian Studies
Image The CARE Data Maturity Model MENTOR: RILEY TAITINGFONG, PH.D. (CHAMORU) Henry Luce Postdoctoral Researcher, Udall Center/Native Nations Institute
Image Explore Innovations in Heat Planning, Policy and Governance MENTOR: LADD KEITH, PH.D. Associate Research Professor, Environmental Policy Programs, Udall Center Associate Professor in the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning
Image Support Communities to Protect Human and Environmental Health through Safe Drinking Water (3 Scholars & Mentors) MENTOR: ANDREA GERLAK, PH.D. MENTOR: GEMMA SMITH, PH.D. MENTOR: ADRIANA ZUNIGA-TERAN, PH.D. U of A Research Professors
Image Revitalization of American Indian Food Systems: Enhancing Indigenous Climate-Smart Seed Biodiversity, Native Food Ways Preservation, and Indigenous Data Governance Repository Hub MENTOR: STEPHANIE RUSSO CARROLL, PH.D. (AHTNA/NATIVE VILLAGE OF KLUTI-KAAH) Associate Research Professor, Native Nations Institute, Udall Center Associate Director and Manager, Tribal Health Program